Online shopping

So, I just had to post this today, because I just spent MORE money shopping online. This whole online shopping thing is both awful, terrible and amazing. Just some background, the husband and I both don’t shop online a lot. Maybe just black friday for good clothing deals, and really thats about it. The online app/site we frequent are probably Redmart and KnocKnock laundry (we launder our bedsheets cos it just makes life a bit easier). We get just about all our household needs (laundry detergent, cleaning detergent etc) through Redmart because they usually have stuff on sale AND it just easier then having to carry the stuff home. That was such a long sidetrack. What I really wanted to talk about was the fact that everyone keeps telling me that buying stuff online can potentially be much cheaper.

We really didn’t get into this online shopping thing until… 3 weeks ago. I really didn’t want to be buying too many things that might end up unnecessary or worse yet downright useless. BUT when my dear sister (who is very kind and almost always buys my stuff online for me) asked if we needed anything from Qoo10 because there was lots of baby stuff on sale. They had wipes on sale…So…. We got wipes. I mean we figured that the baby will need a large amount of wipes right? So we got a whole carton full of Jeju water wipes. I think it all went downhill from there.

Last weekend, I was just scrolling through her Qoo10 to see if there was anything of interest, and of cos there was. What kinda stupid question is that. I ended up asking her to help me get 4 packs of 40 Newborn diapers (Pampers) for like 38 bucks. Which really seems like quite a steal to me. BUT I ACTUALLY DON’T KNOW IF IT IS. And therein lies the problem with online shopping. EVERYTHING SEEMS LIKE SUCH A STEAL.

It jus so happens that Lazada is having some birthday sale this week. And I chanced upon it. WHICH MEANT THAT OF COS I HAD TO TAKE A LOOK. oh dear. I ended up purchasing YET MORE DIAPERS. This time, Size S Drypers touch, 280 pieces for like 58 bucks. With an additional 10% of the discount price.. so about 53 bucks? Which again seems like a steal to me… BUT I DON’T REALLY KNOW.

If you can’t already deduce, the hubs and I aren’t exactly the most kiasu parents out there. And by that I mean that we haven’t really done the whole price comparison, where to buy what kinda thing. In fact we’re kinda the opposite. We have ended up buying stuff like in the spur of the moment when it seems like its on sale, without really knowing. And I really don’t like clutter at home which has meant that we have not really bought stuff in bulk.

Which is why ONLINE SHOPPING IS DANGEROUS. You don’t see the amount of money you spend or the amount of stuff you’ve bought. BUT WHAT IF ITS TRULY CHEAPER. Such a dilemma. Okay enough ranting. More shopping??

What’s going on?

As I’m writing this, I’m hooked up to the CTG machine at the Doc’s for the 4th time today. Why? Cos they just can’t understand the readings it’s giving out. And why is that so? Cos the baby’s heartbeat keeps dipping every once in a while. The doctor has said that it could be a loss in connection (my suspicions because… Well… I can’t sit still hahah) or something else that might require more monitoring. The doctor has already done her ultrasound scan. And everything looks alright. Soo…. I’ll just sit here. And wait some more.

Anyways the CTG machine also monitors uterine contractions right. So. Much like before. The doctor goes. Oh you’re having contractions like every 3-4 mins or so (but still fairly mild ones) can you feel it.. well. I don’t know!? Sometimes i think its the baby moving. Sometimes i think i feel it. But really. No i dont feel anything too out of the norm hahaha. The doctor checked and there’s no dilation almost (0.5 cm) so… According to her the contractions ain’t working.. soooo.. we’ll wait some more. It seems like this last bit just involves a lot of waiting eh?

[Edit] So the second CTG proved… nothing. The baby’s heartbeat was fine.. nothing out of ordinary it seemed… so they let us go.. Because the baby’s EDD is on saturday (as my father put it D-3 days) we’ll have to come back again on friday if nothing happens between now and then. Here’s hoping that everything happens before saturday is over.. I don’t think people want to wait much longer than that AND one of baby’s godma is flying on Sunday. I do not think she will be pleased to not be around when the baby is born.

So the major question really is… WHEN DOES BABY WANNA COME AROUND !?

Who actually knows what contractions feel like!?

So… we’re in our 38 almost 39 week now. We just had our now weekly checkup with the doc yesterday, where she expectedly asked if I am having any contractions or anything. My answer was no. Because i thought… no. Hahaha. Well they hooked me up to some machine that monitors your contractions and baby’s heartbeat, just to monitor it for like 20 mins.

Lo and behold, the nurse comes back after the doc has seen the readings just to let us know “oh the doctor says that you’re having some mild contractions now, if they become more severe can admit already”. Wow. Like okay so here’s the thing right. What are mild contractions as opposed to like a general stomachache (that I actually did have like 2 days ago, that resulted in.. well.. typical stomachache results in the loo) and like the baby just making things really uncomfortable. I have no idea. I know understand how people can like randomly give birth in the toilet and stuff.

Anyway, this really is just me rambling because I’m working from home and being alone at home makes me bored. And goodness knows when this baby actually wants to come out. Oh wells.

Sidenote, so based on H’s last post, I  realised he actually write really well (and is much more interesting than I am) therefore shall get him to update this more. kthanksbye.

H’s First Post

Sup world, the aforementioned H here and my darling wife has permitted me to share in this blog post with her. Frankly, I think she just wants to see what my thoughts are as well considering I may not always be the most sharing of husbands (Gotta act confident like a man Hoo-rah!)

So I’m going to backtrack a little since it is my first ever post. As y’all are aware, we got married in October 2015 and have been happily married since.

So…The big news is that I’m gonna be a father!! I must admit my reaction was not the most excited/teary/celebratory compared to what you usually see on youtube (partially due to her telling me when I was half asleep). But I was actually ecstatic to hear it as I always wanted to be a dad before I was 30 as I do want to keep up with my kids when they’re in their most active years. Which is also partially why I am intent on keeping fit as well.

Then came the worries that I had. Namely if I was going to be a good husband to my pregnant wife and good father to my child (whom we have taken to calling Munchkin in the interim). I wanted to make sure that she was happy, well fed and stress-free which is no mean feat considering she lives on just chocolate. How does one eat that much chocolate and stay clear of sore throats I will never know.

In all fairness, the ease of dealing with the pregnancy has been helped by her not having the nightmarish symptoms I read online like loss of appetite (urgh), fatigue (urgh) and puking (super urghhhhhh). For that I am very very thankful. She has also been really really strong and maintained her active lifestyle. With a baby. In her belly. Growing bigger by the day.

Fast forward to today. We have all our things ready today with the car seat and stroller. As a kid, I would never have considered these things cool but now, our choices seem like the bomb diggity man. Our stroller has suspension on its wheels and our car seat is looks like its part of a Autobot from Transformers. The inner nerd in me was going Naiseeeeee whilst my wife was rolling her eyes at me. I don’t really care btw haha.

Now on to the eventual wait for Munchkin and the next phase of our life.

I suspect my next post would start with “Arghhhhhh why is there so much poop!” so we’ll see. Kthanks……..



What does a baby sleep in!?

So. When we were shopping for important baby items, the first item on that list was obviously somewhere for baby to sleep. And do you know what we realised? There are essentially hundreds of different sleeping options. How in the world is a new parent supposed to decide where they want their baby to sleep? We eventually decided on one (well actually really two) options. Let me run through our thought process / elimination process to see if it makes sense yeah?

  1. Co-sleeping options (in bed).

Almost 50% of parents we’ve spoken to have warned us that we’re going to give in eventually and have the baby with us in the bed sooner rather than later. Well, I strongly resist this (pre-baby, check back with me again some other time) purely on the basis that we only have a queen size bed, and both the hubs and I roll / kick / push each other A LOT. Basically? Its not safe to put a baby in between the both of us whilst we’re rolling and punching. I know people preach about the dangers of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and I get it, but I also understand why parents do it regardless. But for us, it simply isn’t an option because there isn’t enough space.

For people who do have enough space, there are many options like the Summer Infant by Your Side sleeper that kinda makes it safer for the baby to sleep with you in bed.

Unfortunately, this option isn’t going to last a long time. The baby will outgrow it in a few months. Then its time to find another option.

2. Co-sleeper (by the bed).

I’m not going to go into the history of drop-side cribs because apparently there is some sort of huge debate about whether or not they are safe. Long story short, There are many modern drop-side cribs / bassinets that are (supposedly) safe for use. They look cool, they attach to your bed and is essentially an extension to your bed for the baby to sleep in. Whats awesome about it? Its so easy to access baby. You just have to reach out to reach the baby. Only problem? Most are bassinets or cribs and baby will outgrow it in like… no time (several months). Too bad because it honestly looks good, doesn’t take up THAT much space (which we needed cos the bedroom isn’t that big) and is so convenient.

Image result for co-sleeper cot

3. Playard (with bassinet)

So. This is eventually what we decided on. Why? Because even if the baby can only sleep in the bassinet for a few months, we can eventually just move it to the living room and use it as a regular playpen (a place to keep baby prisoner MUAHAHA). That and its portable, which suits us because we plan to have baby sleep in the same room as us for the first few months at least.

We eventually got the Joie Illusion  because it has a foldaway changer and place to store like diapers and wipes and stuff, which saves space for us and makes it easier for like late night changes. Hopefully. I’ll let you know again. hahah.

4. Crib

So we will eventually have to move baby to a crib when he outgrows the bassinet. We’re likely to get a crib that can grow with the child into a bed eventually. We haven’t actually purchased one yet, but when we do it’ll go into his own room, and hopefully we’ll be able to transition him out. HAHAH.

Okay this was a super long post. Technically, 2 more weeks till baby arrives. Its definitely countdown time. Who knows when the next post will be, but till then. Tata.