Time flies. 

Omg so much has happened. Baby J is now almost 7 months old now. He’s eating solids twice a day now. I’ve had no time to update this largely because he’s so active now. And I’ve gone back to work more or less (I say that because he’s been sick and hence I’ve been home. I realize that happens with babies more than my boss will probably appreciate).

What shall I update on today? Hmm. So. J has been sick. It has meant a lot of change of diapers. A lot of medication and a lot of crying. What has helped us? Really nothing much else. I will say two things have helped.

1. So frequent poopy diapers means increase possibility of diaper rash. He even developed some redness on his privates. Given have sensitive his area can be we were at a loss at to what we could use. Thankfully. I happened to have some Four Cow Farm Tea Tree Remedy. It’s amazing. We use it for heat rash as well. And it clears everything right up. We don’t even have to apply a lot. I can’t recommend it more. We were really lucky that we were given a starter kit as a gift when baby J was born. My husband really loves the lotion as well. He says it’s the smoothest lotion we’ve tried (Cetaphil a decent second. Following by Aveno and Babyganics). 

2. Badger Company, Aromatic chest rub, Eucalyptus and Mint.  As I mentioned, baby J is sick. Think endless running nose and coughs. Some people were recommending Vicks. But I really hate the smell of Vicks. And I wasn’t sure how safe for baby it would be. I happened to chance upon this Badger Co rub on iherb. In my sleep deprived desperate state, I ordered it. And I don’t regret it. Honestly the husband and I both find that it smells quite pleasant really. Fairly mild (to the point that sometimes I feel like I have to reapply it more), but more importantly. It seems like he likes the smell. And, I don’t know if it’s a placebo effect and/or just a natural progression of his illness. But it feels like he is more comfortable and breathes slightly better. The only downside to the rub is that it is not quite a soft salve, it takes quite a fair bit of time to get a little of the balm onto him. But I think it’s an acceptable tradeoff. 

Anyways that was just a quick update whilst baby takes a nap and I get a break. Here’s to a new (hopefully better) work week. 

I must emphasize that none of this is sponsored. I just really like these products. And they have worked really well for baby J. While I can’t guarantee that it will work for all babies. Ive learnt that everything is worth a shot when you’re at your wits end. 

Semi-Pro Tip #2

Sterimar Bebe. Great for blocked noses. Because. Sick babies.

Long story short. We have a sick baby on hand and therefore. Many sleepless nights. Sterimar Bebe helps with clearing the blocked nose and generally reliving the irritation a little. Only problem? He really hates being held down. Really really hates it. Now we just need to figure that out.