Nuna Leaf Curv

So, as mentioned before, we really did not buy that many things for the baby before he arrived. In particular, we only purchased a stroller and a playpen (as far as large items go) and we received the Nuna Leaf Curv  as a gift for the baby from one of his godmas. For those who have not seen it before, this is what it looks like.

The colour is actually a lot lighter in real life, and it looks really nice sitting in our living room, and honestly, it doesn’t look like a out of place kid item in the living room. And given how many baby things we’ve received in this past month, i’m really glad its something that i can just leave out and not be worried about it cluttering the house.

The leaf is also fairly special because you can sit in it from birth till 60kg. 60 freaking kg. That means I can sit in it as well! Not that I’ve tried. But still… Its nice to know that the option is there. Hahaha.

But anyways. About the Leaf itself.. it has this side-to-side swaying movement, there is no motor (although you can buy an add-on Nuna Leaf Wind that allows the Leaf to sway on its own) so each push lasts about… I would say about slightly more than a minute. The swaying really does calm the baby if he is fussing. But basically the Leaf has been a life saver in the sense that I can strap the baby in and either let him sleep in it whilst I settle some of my own stuff or even if he is not sleeping, he can sit in it and just look around and entertain himself. Surprisingly, he’s fairly willing to look to just sit in it and look around or at the play bar that we attached to the Leaf. It certainly frees us up and gives us time to get other things done when we’re in the living room. I can’t really speak for the baby because.. you know.. he doesn’t really talk. But the fact that he does not fuss when he is strapped into it and can actually fall asleep in it could let us make the assumption that he quite enjoys it? I hope so.

It retails for between $339 – $399 in Singapore although I’m sure you can get it for cheaper at baby fairs and such. Do i think it’s worth the fairly high price? I do actually. Largely because the baby can use it till he is a toddler and beyond. And the fact that i can strap him in, let him sway a bit and get some time for myself… That is priceless. Can I add that there is no annoying motor noise unlike some of his other toys and the motor noise really annoys me after a while. Its different from the regular bouncer/rocker that you’ll commonly find. And well. I like it. Hahaha.

K time to have lunch while the baby sleeps on in his Leaf. THANKS GODMA.

One thought on “Nuna Leaf Curv

  1. Love the way you write, it’s like a friend talking to me.. I can hear your voice narrating this as i read it 🙂
    He’s like a Little Foot from the land-before-time… with his leaf!


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