Parenting with Covid

So. 2020 has been quite an experience. As most people are aware, the world is currently coming to terms with a global spread of the Covid-19 illness. On a professional level, we’ve been swamped dealing with it at work. On a personal level, we’ve been trying to manage a super active almost-3 year old. While trying to understand what risks are acceptable with regards to the virus.

When the virus first came to the fore, it was right around the Lunar New Year, sometime in end-jan. Unfortunately, we had already planned (and paid for) a holiday to Bangkok with my MIL in the second week of Feb. After watching the situation develop (in Asia), we made the decision to cancel our trip. We were very lucky that Singapore Airlines was willing to refund our plane tickets and we had a cancellation policy with the hotel. However, the almost-3 year old was solrely disappointed. He loves plane rides and holidays in general and till today still asks when we’re going to BKK.

As the situation worsened slightly in Singapore, with the declaration of DORSCON orange, we actually decided to avoid crowded places for a week or so. However, we still headed out for meals and regular shopping runs when needed. Extra precautions were taken to try and not allow the child to touch everything within his reach (any parent can attest to how difficult this is) and to constantly wash his hands. Hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes supplemented the handwashing. Because at the rate he touches things. We couldn’t possibly being him to the washroom enough.

Now that things have calmed down a little (in Singapore at least. Globally things have escalated quite a bit), we’ve taken the decision to try and live life and normally as possible. We’ve brought him out to play areas, swimming every weekend. We’re looking to bring him rock climbing soon because that’s what he wants to do for his birthday. Disney on ice is coming to Singapore and we’ll be doing that.

I guess, everyone has a different level of comfort. But for us, it really is about risk management balanced with the need to allow J to expand his energy and spend as much quality time together (when we’re not working) as possible. J loves the outdoors, running, jumping and keeping him cooped up really didn’t seem to help anything.

It’s interesting to see how quickly he’s picked up on the fact that there is a virus going around and it makes people fairly sick. That vitamins keep people healthy. And handwashing is important. Never underestimate these little people. They are smarter and more cognizant of what is going around than we realise.

Morale of the story? There isn’t one. I hope everyone stays as safe and as happy as possible in this current climate. Cheers to a happier post next time.

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