Who actually knows what contractions feel like!?

So… we’re in our 38 almost 39 week now. We just had our now weekly checkup with the doc yesterday, where she expectedly asked if I am having any contractions or anything. My answer was no. Because i thought… no. Hahaha. Well they hooked me up to some machine that monitors your contractions and baby’s heartbeat, just to monitor it for like 20 mins.

Lo and behold, the nurse comes back after the doc has seen the readings just to let us know “oh the doctor says that you’re having some mild contractions now, if they become more severe can admit already”. Wow. Like okay so here’s the thing right. What are mild contractions as opposed to like a general stomachache (that I actually did have like 2 days ago, that resulted in.. well.. typical stomachache results in the loo) and like the baby just making things really uncomfortable. I have no idea. I know understand how people can like randomly give birth in the toilet and stuff.

Anyway, this really is just me rambling because I’m working from home and being alone at home makes me bored. And goodness knows when this baby actually wants to come out. Oh wells.

Sidenote, so based on H’s last post, I  realised he actually write really well (and is much more interesting than I am) therefore shall get him to update this more. kthanksbye.

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